Tuesday, January 6, 2009

i do what i do with deep conviction

i got face down in front of God last night and broke for the first time in a long time. i know that thats what i needed to do. to break...and to be put back together by Him. its a constant stuggle right now to keep Him in the forefront of my mind, but i can honestly say i'm donig my best. i'm not perfect, but i'm not expecting perfection of myself and i know He isnt either. i feel a change. which i didnt expect so soon, but i am so glad. i know there are hard times ahead but i know that with Him i can make it through...because in my weakness His power is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Father i thank you for strength you have provided for me the past couple of days, and i pray that You continue to give me that strength as continue this journey back. thank you so much for your love, your grace, your faithfulness. in Jesus' name..... amen.

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